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You Are Unique

The Cookie Cutter Technique - We are NOT

Yes, there are many places you can go to get bodywork. Unfortunately most of the chain establishments restrict their therapist from integration of therapies that would offer you better results.

Considering different body types, different backgrounds, and unique past history, it makes sense to address the needs of each person as a whole. Who are you? What is your history? What are your goals? What is your stress?

These are a few questions that support us in providing the best therapeutic approach for the best results.

Let Us Design Your Session

When you schedule your private session, you are hiring someone to help you to achieve a desired outcome. It’s not important that you know exactly which therapies will support you, it’s more important that we are knowledgeable enough to know which therapeutic approach is going to get you on the path to well-being.

This is the reason we begin with an intake, we want to know your goals, your visions, your history in order to learn what has lead up to the place of discomfort. 

Case Studies & Specific Approaches

Names have been changed to protect confidentiality.

Depression & Anxiety

Mary came in with the goal of losing weight. Through our discussion we learned that Mary was suffering from depression, low self-esteem, brought upon by an abusive childhood.

We combined hypnosis to support positive habits around food with energy balancing with polarity and energy clearing. 

Mary felt an immediate shift and stated that she felt so great after the session. We met again the following week. Not only was the depression gone, she looked like a different woman.

Doctors Had No Answers

Frank arrived with his sister who was there to talk for him. He was unable to talk for himself as he had developed a stuttering problem that severely impacted his ability to live an independent life. Unable to even answer his phone or communicate his challenge.

Frank had undergone several medical tests only to learn that Doctors had no answers for him.

One Hypnosis session and Frank was talking without stuttering. He continued for a few more to make sure he was in the clear. Each time I met with him he was speaking clearly.

Inability to Get Up & Get Going

Suzanne came to me with an inability to move forward with her own dreams.

Anxiety and depression held her back from pursuing life joyfully.

We discovered in the first meeting that she had been in a relationship that was draining her spirit. 

With coaching she was able to release the relationship and move through the grieving process of “what could have been”. 

She is now working toward her visions and creating her life for herself rather than putting everyone else’s needs ahead of her own.

Addiction & Grief

Becky arrived with a plea for help to release an addiction to alcohol. She had been actively drinking for the past 10 years in an effort to bury the pain of losing a loved one.

She had hoped hypnosis would be the answer. Based on the fact that Becky had never properly grieved the loss we decided together that working with the energy to release grief was the best approach at least initially.

The first few sessions were a little rocky and then the big shift came for Becky to find a way back to sobriety.

Whatever Your Place of Pain?

Pain presents itself as a result of overstressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Overstressing simply stated is when an individual is unable to process the trauma appropriately.

Through a dialogue we work together to discover the energy behind the trauma to remove the block that created the current circumstance and suppor the return to a place of homeostasis.

Not sure which session to schedule? No worries, schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with Tina and let’s find the right therapies to support your ease and move your life forward in peace and joy.

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