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Awaken-The Next Wave

Twenty plus years ago during my polarity and energy training I remember thinking how leading edge the work was. I was beyond excited to learn powerful techniques to alleviate human suffering. Of course, being somewhat naive I would have to learn that not everyone was ready to go there. Some people were content in their ways and had no intention of digging up bones so to speak. Why open pandoras’ box if everything is going along just fine? 

In hindsight I would confidently state that those bones will someday surface above ground and need to be managed. The truth of the matter is, the time is now.

It’s time to start the healing process if you haven’t already done so. If you have hit a place that sounds like this; “enough is enough”, then you are beyond ready to experience profound healing and start living life from a place that holds the light and joy.

20 Years Preparing to Support The Mission:

My 20 plus years doing energy work and continuing my studies has truly supported the mission. I am grateful to continue to work with people through polarity, energy work, hypnosis, breath, and sound to assist people to reclaiming their power, accessing their truth, and standing in their light.

In the midst of world chaos and the continuation it may seem as though the light is dimming. In fact, the light is becoming even more prominent as it continues to shine on the darkness revealing the truth on a global level as well as an invididual level. We are naturally shedding old ways of being and stepping into a place of holding even more light as we become more aware of our connectedness to one another.

The pandemic, tragic as it was, helped us to slow down, prioritize our life with more focus on those we hold dear. The world is still experiencing tremendous difficulty and people are trying to find their footing. Those who continue to walk in fear will continue to struggle as this energy is not of the light. The best thing anyone can do is stand in truth, move life forward, and release the old ways of doing and being on this planet.

Most Profound Healing

As a result of this more recent awakening, as indicated by client challenges, I have been guided to create a profound healing workshop. The work will include past life regression, crystal bowl sound healing, and a spiritual discussion which is a channeling of higher guidance. The results I am witnessing from clients in one to one sessions is simply astonishing. It’s clearly a powerful combination. Past life regression may reveal some old karma or contracts as well as lessons to be learned in this lifetime. The crystal bowls and vibration of sound will release the energetic holding raising your frequency to new levels to access more joy in your life. The spiritual discussion will shed light and give you new perspective to challenges you may be experiencing.

We will work with a simple breath technique to support the process of releasing the old energies that no longer serve your new vibration.

Anyone who is struggling with depression, anxiety, old trauma, ptsd, or simply feeling a call to awaken to the spirit within is invited to attend this never before offered workshop.

Join Tina Sunday April 10th from 11-2 pm.

Jenn Keefe will be available for 15 minute card readings from 2 – 4 pm for anyone interested. $15 cash on site only

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