Investing In Your Health vs. Investing In Your Sickness
Preventative health care is by far less costly than managing illness, yet most will take good health for granted until it’s too late.
There are many simple preventative measures that can be incorporated in your life starting today. Simple and at no cost! Let’s begin with our food intake; food is medicine and can also be poison. If taken correctly can maintain both emotional and physical well being. When abused can lead to irritation, inflammation, chronic fatigue, cancer, chronic illness, etc..
There’s so much information available today to how sugar leads to ill health, yet too many over indulge and suffer. It’s a highly addictive drug and if treated as such can improve quality of life drastically with either elimination or decreasing the amount of sugar ingested throughout the day. The stress it puts on the internal organs to detoxify and eliminate is just as serious as any other alcohol or drug addiction.
If you have an addiction to sugar and want support, hypnosis is a wonderful tool to help you to get on track to healthy living.
Exercise in any form is better than a sedentary lifestyle!
Make a commitment to yourself to get up and move every hour for at least 5-10 minutes and see for yourself how much better you feel, your mind clearer and having more energy to complete the tasks you must complete and more.
Breathe as if your life depends on it! It does!!
All too often I hear people use the phrase “Just Breathe”! Of course we know we are breathing if we are still upright. There is a correct way to breathe, one that supports health and there is an incorrect way of breathing, which is detrimental to good health. Identify your breathing right now: Take a breath naturally, does your chest expand, does your belly contract, or does the chest contract and belly expand, do your shoulders rise when you breathe? This is good information for you. Now let’s practice some correct breathing patterns and begin to focus on your breathing throughout the day. Correcting your breathing patterns has so many health benefits; lowering blood pressure, relieving anxiety, clearing the mind, improving digestion, regulating circardium rhythms, and more.
Learn this breathing pattern and start using it today: This is a total reset breath for both the mind and the body.
Breathe in and out of the nose only, mouth breathing fills the body with air . This is not ideal!
Breathe in slowly for a count of six and exhale slowly for a count of six, no holding in between the inhalation and exhalation.
While taking an inhalation focus on filling your lower abdomen, it should expand. During the exhalation you want to pull your stomach into the spine to release all the air.
Repeat as if it’s one full breath, inhale for 6 exhale for 6. If the count to 6 is difficult, use a count of 4 or 5 and begin to build up to 6.