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Polarity for Back Pain

Moving the Energy

Where there is pain, physical or emotional pain, energy is stuck. Polarity therapy is a combination of techniques to specifically clear energetic blockages. Why the energy gets blocked initially may remain a mystery. And you may actually get insight to the specific event as the energy clears. Memory is stored in the body and where there is difficulty integrating specific events, energy gets blocked. When the energy gets blocked, emotional and or physical pain results 100% of the time.

How Does Polarity Help Back Pain?

The specific techniques to support back pain would include; structural alignment techniques, cranial sacral adjustments, sciatic release work. Strengthening the structure with each session while also moving the energy of the spine leads to the release of any holding. This holding may be in the muscle memory as well as the cellular memory of the body. 

There are many more techniques used throughout the session to release and strengthen. An advanced polarity practitioner will incorporate many in one session. Additionally, the advanced practitioner may provide polarity yoga postures to support release as well as offer some dietary changes to nourish the spine.

One of my favorite polarity yoga postures for lengthening the spine is called “Squat & Squeeze” posture. This video is helpful in lengthening and creating space between the vertebrae.

What many people don’t realize is that slow digestion and elimination can be contributing to back pain. Try this posture for a couple minutes a day and notice any changes in ability to eliminate. You are giving the spinal muscles a nice release. Be sure to breathe as deep into your lower abdomen as you can and create an internal massage to all your organs.

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