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Meditation/Breath Instruction

Join Tina and discover the art of meditation no matter how experienced or not you may be.

Learn how to use the breath to regulate and prepare the body to deepen to a regular meditation practice. 

The benefits to meditation are numerous. You will learn how to use affirmation and prayer in your meditations to change the direction of your life. As a result of practicing meditation daily you will find that life begins to feel more harmonious, joyful, as you become more intuitive for clearer decision making in your life.

Each session includes instruction, education, practice, affirmations, and prayers to help you to access your visions.

Tina's Journey of Meditation

Tina’s meditation practice began at the age of 21 as a result of a little prompting from a wonderful friend who suggested studying with Master Paramahansa Yogananda. Through the years Tina committed to waking at 3 am each morning as it was a quiet time of day with two small children and a full time job. What she noticed immediately was an increase in productivity, an overall feeling of calmness, and a deepened connection to spirit.

Today she shares with you many techniques to support your journey to enlightenment.

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Only $90 when you purchase a package of 3.

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