How to boost your immune system naturally?
Why is this so important now? I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that boosting your immune system is probably more important than it has ever been in your lifetime. A world wide pandemic has increased awareness to how we take care of our physical and emotional health in such a drastic way. I don’t think anyone of us hasn’t been touched by the effects of something as devastating as this pandemic.
Not only has the pandemic contributed to the loss of lives, livleihoods, and shaken our emotional well being, it has left people with weakened immune systems as a result of additional stress. It’s time to ramp it up, with or without a vaccine.
Ramping Up the Immune System Response
Don’t Rely Upon a Vaccine to Maintain Health
We now know that with or without a vaccine one can be infected with COVID or any other flu or virus. We must make every effort to care for our health and well-being by implementing simple and effective strategies.
What You Think Matters
The thoughts you have on a daily basis have either a positive or negative impact on your immune system. If you are constantly immersing yourself in the news, you are allowing your mind to be infiltrated with negativity which is weakening your immune system.
Denial Won’t Help You
Coming to terms with a reality is important. I’ve talked with people who doubt whether or not this virus is real. Here’s the deal; it’s happening and you need to do your part. This is not a political debate, it’s not an argument about a mask, no mask, a vaccine or no vaccine. It’s about how to take care of you and it always has been.
Simple Lifestyle Changes Huge Benefits
Change Your Lifestyle Habits
Many people are doing this already. If you discover anything in this post to be useful, please implement as soon as possible. There are so many techniques, FREE, that you can be using immediately to start improving your overall health and well being now. I want to share some of the FREE techniques that you can start using now.
1.) STOP WATCHING THE NEWS (At least minimize your exposure)
2.) STOP FIGHTING WITH THE OPPOSING VIEW (This is a useless expenditure of energy and will not stop a pandemic)
3) Face Facts: Your immune system is the best defense against any illness. Stop relying soley on medicine to cure your illnesses. This is not to say get the vaccine or don’t get the vaccine. This is a personal decision and should be kept private if all possible.
Immune Boosting FREE Habits
1.) Hydrotherapy-Heat the body with either exercise, hot shower or tub and then cool for a minute. This is a scientific way to activate the T-cells.
2.) Tap the thymus gland to relase T-cells, the fighting cells that attack invaders.
3.) Breathe-breathe deep into your belly, not just the upper body but deep into the lower lobes of your lungs. Most important is focus on the exhale to expel the toxins.
Sit in a chair upright, rock forward and breath in expanding your belly, rock back and exhale for as long as you can before rocking forward again to inhale.
4.) Meditate for at least 5 minutes a couple times a day. Clear your mind to release the negative thoughts.
5.) Eat organic foods and increase your intake of vegetables and seeds.
6.) Refrain from engaging in social media post to argue your viewpoints on the vaccine. This drains your energy and everyone else’s.
7,) Tap your right and left sides of your body, your liver and spleen and naturally boost your immune system.
8.) Vitamin A, C, D, and Zinc are useful to boost your immune system. Try to find quality supplements and get in the habit of fueling your body.
9.) Practice body awareness and mindfulness. Turn your cell phone off for a period of time while doing this. Just breathe and scan your body for any tensions.
Holistic Therapies to Boost Your Immune System
Floatation Therapy-Magnesium is a compound that boost your immune system and overall well-being. Your body immersed in the solution will absorb what it requires.
Halo Therapy-Visit a salt room or salt booth and use the deep breathing exercises to cleanse the lower lobes of your lungs.
Hypnotherapy-Need help changing your thoughts, hypnosis is powerful to get your thinking on track to support your health.
Polarity Therapy-Get your energetic systems balanced. Your energy systems reflex to your endocrine systems to support your health and well-being.
Yoga-yoga focuses on gentle stretching and breathing to expand the diaphragm to oxygenate your body fully.
Infrared Sauna–heats the body from the inside, raising the temperature to activate the immune system response.
Thai Yoga-Breathing while the practitioner moves the body into yoga positions enhances the diaphragm expansion for deeper breath and relaxation.
Sound Therapy-vibrational therapy is a sound resonance to clear the energetic pathways boosting immune systems and encouraging overall wellness.
Coaching-utilizing specific strategies to support your overall health, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
I welcome your feedback, invite your questions, and am open to talking with you to support your goals. Please feel free to call, write, or text.
I don’t make any claims here, in particular about how to manage a pandemic or avoid getting COVID but I do want to share with you techniques that I know to help to keep you active and healthy naturally.
Blessings and Peace,
Tina Brigitini, CICH