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Balancing the Nervous System with Polarity Therapy

post nervous system

Neutralizing the Charge thru Polarity Therapy

How we respond to life and circumstances has much to do with implicit and explicit memory. Some of this memory, which resides in the physical body still holds the energy to direct responses in adult life. 

Implicit memory is formed as early as in utero, explicit begins as the hippocampus starts to develop at the age of 18 months.  On a physiological level they begin to merge and largely influence the self prediction of future outcomes. It is a known fact that anxiety is often an inability to remain in present time and produces a reaction to a potential outcome. Simply stated; if we neutralize the energetic charge with polarity touch  moving the energetic blocks one has an ability to respond from new places of the mind no longer directed by the charge. The same principles apply to past trauma’s, the energy must be neutralized, first through the physical body with touch and secondly in the energetic field where the therapist is working with the positive and negative pole of the trauma.

Why Polarity Therapy Reduces Anxiety

Let’s begin with the pre-frontal cortex of the brain and some of the functions. It’s important to understand that the brain development, influenced by the brain development of our parents directly affects our own ability to self soothe, self nurture, and respond appropriately to life.

The nine functions of the pre-frontal cortex are:

  1. Regulation of the body – sympathetic and parasympathetic balance
  2. Attuned communication, felt sense of other’s experience
  3. Regulation of emotions
  4. Response flexibility – pause, options, evaluate, options, appropriate decisions
  5. Empathy
  6. Insight – self awareness
  7. Fear extinction – GABA fibers to amygdala
  8. Intuition – deep knowing without logic
  9. Morality – behaviors based on empathy

Research has shown that 7 of the 9 functions of the PFC are outcomes of secure attachment. Research also shows that all 9 functions are strengthened in minfulness practice, internal attunement rather than interpersonal attunement. So the therapist’s mindful awareness of their own internal states strengthens the same pathways of the brain we need to become aware of another person’s internal states. 

Polarity Therapy to Rewire the Brain & Balance the PSN

The energetic pathways provide the physical and emotional bodies an opportunity to regulate the nervous system balance. Regardless of the attachment style, receiving polarity therapy opens the door to strengthening the 9 functions of the PFC. Those who receive polarity therapy are in essence engaging in a mindfulness practice and opening the door to internal attunement.

As the energies move through the pathways of the body and are allowed to flow unimpeded, new insight begins to appear. Emotions that once felt so intense begin to regulate as influenced by the pathway itself. An example of this is the pathway related to fire. In the school of polarity, fire governs the emotion of anger, shame, resentment, frustration as well as passion, joy, laughter, humility. The recipient of Polarity begins to react to life with more self-awareness, insight. Emotions are more regulated and the ability to engage in response flexibility is improved.

Who Receives Polarity Therapy?

While some may seek polarity to escape the pain of a critical juncture of life, others receive the work to maintain emotional and physical balance. Many people find their way to the mindfulness practice as a result of hitting a difficult and almost unbearable place in life and in time find themselves moving into new levels of strength, clarity, and balance. Making new decisions from a place of power as they deepen a new insight and self awareness based on the truth of who they have come to be.

Tina has been teaching polarity therapy for over 20 years and has had the opportunity to work with 1000’s of people choosing to live life empowered, clear, and aligned to truth. Learn more about Tina here.

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